Solidarity project: 5,600 euros for beekeepers in Laos

Refectory guests collect for a good cause - new project for Bangladesh launched

Over the past few semesters, guests of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe have collected
solidarity meal 25 cents and each solidarity muffin 10 cents for a MISEREOR project that supports beekeepers in Laos. Michael Postert, Managing Director of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, was able to hand over the proceeds of 5,600 euros to MISEREOR today.

Solidarity project: 5,600 euros for beekeepers in Laos
The Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, the Evangelische Studierendengemeinde (ESG) and the Katholische Hochschulgemeinde (KHG) are now supporting the
the Evangelical Student Community (ESG) and the Catholic University Community (KHG) are now in their twentieth year.
year of supporting social projects around the world. "The solidarity meal, which changes weekly, is always
vegetarian and costs 2.55 euros for our student guests, 25 cents of which automatically goes to the respective solidarity project.
the respective solidarity project," Postert explained. The solidarity meal is served every
Thursdays on line 3 of the Mensa am Adenauerring (Adenauerring 7, KA).

Together with the partners ESG and KHG, a "Brot für die Welt" (Bread for the World) project has now been selected for the current summer semester and the coming winter semester, which supports smallholder families, landless people and indigenous people in the south of Bangladesh to adapt to the consequences of climate change. The new solidarity project has the motto "Unshakable against the flood".

Further information on the Karlsruhe solidarity project by the Studierendenwerk, ESG and KHG can be found at

Solidarity project from 2023:
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