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Accento Conference 2023 - Java/Web/Dev

Di. 24.10.2023

Accento is an amazing combination of high-caliber conference and well-founded, hands-on trainings for Java/web developers. If you're up for two days of inspiring talks, professional sessions, interesting discussions, and new ideas around Java, JavaScript, and web development, you don't want to miss it.

Topics & Talks
Accento 2023 will kick off with a keynote, followed by 10 talks (in 2 tracks), each an hour long so there's enough time to dive deep. The talks will cover a wide variety of topics aimed at developers with a focus on Java and a spicy side dish of web development.

Stay in Touch
For further information check out https://accento.dev/ or follow @AccentoDev on Twitter for updates. If you have any questions, ping us there or mail to hello@accento.dev.

Sounds interesting?
There are 25 student tickets free of charge. Be fast and get one of these tickets.
