Dining Hall am Adenauerring
Pasta, stir-fry dishes, soups, various side dishes and desserts, as well as vegan menus are always on offer. Several times a year, theme-specific speciality weeks round off our programme.The Dining Hall am Adenauerring is also open during the lecture-free weeks.

You can enjoy it as 100% veal sausage - made especially for us - or as a vegan version.#CURRYSAUCE
The spicy sauce is developed to our specifications and is finely balanced with the other components.#CURRYSPICES
You can choose from six different curry blends in varying degrees of spiciness:#1 #slightly hot#tart
#2 #mild#sweetish
#3 #slightly spicy#fruity
#4 #mild#warm
#5 #sharp#hearty
#6 #sharp#fieryGet inspired by the description of each curry with our "notepads" and find your personal favourite combination!Find out more about our [own]brands.
- Water from the Upper Rhine Plain
- Wheat flour from a mill in the region
- our home recipe for pasta dough
[in-house production]
- transparent production in our pasta factory
- classics as well as weekly changing shapes
[homemade specialities]
- Maultaschen, ravioli and other shapes
- Gnocchi
- Spätzle
Simply delicious!Here you can find out more about our [own]brands.

Mensa am Adenauerring
Adenauerring 7
76131 Karlsruhe
Steffen OertelE-Mail: gastronomie@sw-ka.de
Phone: +49 721 6909-230