Am Adenauerring 7
76131 Karlsruheemail: gastronomie@sw-ka.deFor more information on the Mensa am Adenauerring, please click here.
For the menu please click here.
Our [pasta]werk® products
And this is how easy it is:1. take a bowl & fill your favorite pasta.
2. have it weighed at the till and pay.
3. transfer to your own container or our labeled paper bags.
4. take one of our [pasta]werk® sauces with you - or all of them!These are our [pasta]werk® sauces:
- Pasta sauce Bolognese
- Sunflower Bolognese (vegan)
- Vegetable sauce basil
- Tomato sauce Arrabiata
- Basil tomato sauce
- Natural tomato sauce