SWKA Chronicle

100 years of Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe!The Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe was founded in April 1923 under the name “Karlsruher Studentendienst e.V.” Then as now, our job is to support students in all aspects of their studies. Now over 300 employees take care of the needs of currently over 40,000 students in Karlsruhe and Pforzheim. The areas of responsibility of the Studierendenwerk are as diverse as our students. We support you in finding accommodation, offer concrete assistance in the area of finances and, thanks to daycare centers, make it possible to study with children. Our psychologists advise students in complicated life situations, while the dining halls conjure up healthy and delicious food on the trays at student-friendly prices. In addition, our International Student Center (ISC) takes care of our international students and of course, we promote student culture.With this variety of tasks and 100 years of accumulated experience, you could write an entire book full of exciting stories and beautiful moments with our students.On the occasion of our 100th anniversary, we have put together a few impressions from 100 years of history for you here.We hope you enjoy our little journey through time into the past of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe.
- 1918The Association of Christian German Students founded the “Karlsruhe Student Service” in December, which was approved in July 1919 to provide social care for students at the Karlsruhe University of Technology.
Illustration: Association of the student body at Karlsruhe University of Technology, including some in corporate costume, 1904/05. Image source: KIT archive 28010/I/1891, photographer: Oskar Suck, original in the archive of the Karlsruhe fraternity Teutonia
- 1921At the end of January, a cafeteria opens in the auditorium building of the Karlsruhe University of Technology.
Illustration: The auditorium building around 1900. Image source: KIT archive (Signature: I / 392), author: Thilo Mechau (repro)
- 1922Opening of the day center in the auditorium building of the Karlsruhe University of Technology in December.
Illustration: View of the student day care center in the auditorium building with a mural by Prof. Albert Haueisen, postcard around 1930. Image source: KIT archive (signature: III / 28), author unknown
- 1923The Karlsruhe Student Service will be converted into a registered association on April 30th. The 30th of April, 1923, is the official founding date of today's Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe.
Illustration: The first entry on the Karlsruhe student service in the register of associations reads: “The statutes were drawn up on April 30th, 1923. Board of Directors within the meaning of Section 26 B.G.B. is the Chairman of the Management Board; if he is unable to do so, his deputy takes his place.” Image source: Archives of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
- 1930November: Opening of the Studentenhaus with the new dining hall, student residence and ballroom. Illustration:
View of the dining hall in the Studentenhaus 1935.
Image source: KIT archive (Signature: I / 205), author: Karl Bauer[L] - 1933July 17th: Name change to Studentenwerk Karlsruhe e.V.
The new Studentenhaus in the 1930s.
Image source: University guide Karlsruhe University of Technology 1935, author: F. Ganske
- 1938Issuance of the Reich Student Union Act: dissolution of all independent institutions; The Reichsstudentenwerk assumes the property rights and obligations of the Studentendienst e.V., which will be dissolved as an association on September 16th.
- 1944Destruction of the Studentenhaus in an air raid on Karlsruhe in September.
View of piles of rubble and a path of rubble in front of the destroyed Technical University, with St. Bernhard Church in the background, around 1945. Image source: Media Centre of Baden-Württemberg
- 1945Dissolution of the Studentenwerk Karlsruhe by the Reichsstudentenwerk in February.In October, the future new Studentenwerk will be subordinate to the Rectorate of Karlsruhe University of Technology; Prof. Dr. Rolf Fricke will be the trustee for the reconstruction.
Letter from the acting head of the Reichsstudentenwerk Dr. Otto Reise to Dr.-Ing. August Kemmet on the dissolution of the Studentenwerk Karlsruhe, February 3nd, 1945.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
- 1946Opening of a first dining hall at the Westhochschule (Telegraph barracks) Karlsruhe in November.
View of the dining hall in the former telegraph barracks, 1946/47.
Caption: - You were hungry, - you were stuffed.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
- 1947November 10th, constituent meeting of the new Studentendienst e.V.
- 1948Ende of October, reopening of the dining hall in the Studentenhaus.
Das Studentenhaus mit Notdach, um 1947.
The Studentenhaus with an emergency roof
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, author: Rolf Kellner
- 1954Things get crowded in the 1950s, especially in the dining hall. In the meantime, the installation of a milk bar provides 60 additional seats, but even that hardly helps. Although the ballroom is also used for dining, there is still a bottleneck at the serving counter, where the queues are getting longer and longer.
The milk bar under the terrace of Studentenhaus, newly established in 1954.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
- 1955A university conference convened in Bad Honnef in 1955 developed the “Honnefer Model” as a precursor to today's BAföG. In the 1957/58 financial year, around 300 students at the Karlsruhe University of Technology were already benefiting from it.
- 1957The Studentendienst e.V. ran the first student residence in the Studentenhaus from the mid-1950s and, in addition, offered private room placement. In 1957, the monthly rent for a single room was 40 DM; for a double room, 24.50 DM per person. By converting the gardener's apartment that year, the student residence in the Studentenhaus can offer an additional four single rooms and one double room.
The rooms offer space for independent and quiet learning.
CaptionAnd sometimes people study up here too.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, student album 1955
- 1961In April, start of the student support according to the Honnef model at Studentendienst e.V., which, in addition to the Technical University, now also is responsible for students at the State Academy of Fine Arts and the Karlsruhe University of Music.November: opening of the dining hall in the new building besides the Studentenhaus.
Receipt issue in the foyer of the dining hall.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, author: Dr. Carl Albiker
- 1962Election of a staff council at the Studentendienst e.V.
- 1970Taking over the processing of student funding applications for the State Engineering School.
- 1971In October, the introduction of BAföG for student funding and replacement of the Honnef model: the Studentendienst e.V. processes the applications from the University of Karlsruhe, the State University of Music, the State Academy of Fine Arts, the University of Education Karlsruhe, the State Engineering School, the Business School and the Arts and Crafts School Pforzheim .
- 1973Zum
At the beginning of the year, takeover of the dining hall and cafeteria of the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences.
- 1974Takeover of the cafeteria of the University of Education Karlsruhe in October.
The refreshment room at the Karlsruhe University of Education, which opened in 1968.
Image source: City archive Karlsruhe 8/BA Schlesiger 1968 - Image archive Schlesiger 1968 signature: A15 148/1/42
- 1975
Constituent Representatives' Assembly of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe AöR (public-law institution) at the beginning of July.Transfer of the social mandate from Studentendienst e.V. to the Studentenwerk Karlsruhe AöR on October 1st.Foundation of the student parents' initiative, today's daycare facility Sternschnuppe. The University of Karlsruhe provides the space on the West Campus free of charge.
- 1977Opening of the Psychological Help (PBS).
- 1981At the beginning of the year, the Studentenwerk Karlsruhe becomes officially „Amt für Ausbildungsförderung“(Office for Educational Support).The student association “Z 10” was founded in the summer.Anfang November Bezug des Studentenwohnheims Waldhornstraße 36-38.At the beginning of November, students move into the student residence at Waldhornstrasse 36-38.
Student residence Waldhornstraße, 1980s.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, author: Leupold
- 1983Opening of the student centre Z10 on June 10th.
Z10 flyer: „Get to know Karlsruhe, love Z10“, 1980s.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
- 1985Opening of the dining hall and cafeteria Tiefenbronner Straße in Pforzheim at the end of March.
The new dining hall Tiefenbronner Straße in Pforzheim.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, author: Hartmut Kurz
- 1986PBS moves to Kaiserstrasse 111 (Karlsruhe).
- 1987Setting up a telephone extension system in the Studentenhaus.
- 1988Opening of the nursery in Adlerstraße 26 in August.
Invitation to the festive opening of the nursery on 1988.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
- 1989Opening of the dining hall extension in Adenauerring with a new BAföG department in the winter semester.
Between 1985 and 1989, extension of the dining hall according to plans of the architect Prof. Heinz Mohl, making it the largest connected dining complex in the entire state.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
- 1990The Studentenwerk takes over the administration of the daycare facility Sternschnuppe.
- 1991The BAföG departments of the Studentenwerke in the new federal states start their work at the beginning of the year; Karlsruhe and Heidelberg jointly manage the Studentenwerk Dresden.
- 1992Founding of the non-profit limited liability centre „Studentisches Kulturzentrum an der Universität Karlsruhe“.
- 1993Opening of the international student residence Willy-Andreas-Allee (Europahaus) in October.
Hartmut Igney (General Manager of the Studentenewerk Karlsruhe from 1979 to 2009) during the laying of the foundation stone for the Europahaus in September 1992.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, author: LUZ -Zimmermann, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
- 1994At the end of March, inauguration of the expanded daycare facility at Adlerstraße 26.
- 1995Start of the Social and Legal Advice at the Studentenwerk at the beginning of the year.In February, expansion of the PBS with consultation hours in Pforzheim.Connection of the residence Englerstraße 14 to the internet in May.Takeover of the dining hall and cafeteria at the Vocational Training Academy Karlsruhe in November.Reopening of the completely renovated Studentenhaus on November 21st.
Foyer of the Studentenhaus 1995.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, author: Dirk Altenkirch
- 1996First transmission of a lecture to the residence Waldhornstraße via the Internet in December.Launch of the KVV student ticket in the winter semester.
- 1997Renovation of the dining hall and cafeteria at the University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe.
- 1998Commissioning of the first solar system on the roof of the dining hall Am Adenauerring on June 26th.Opening of the “Kasten” – a new service counter in the Foyer of the dining hall Am Adenauerring in the winter semester.
- 2002Start of the poster campaign „Student looking for accommodation”.
The mayor at the time, Heinz Fenrich, promoted “Student looking for accommodation” with a poster campaign in 2004.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
- 2003First edition of the Campus LiFE magazine in January.
- 2004Start of the solidarity meal at the beginning of the winter semester, first in the dining hall “Am Adenauerring”.
- 2007Opening of the dining hall Moltke on March 1st. In June, the Foyer of the Studentenhaus is the last place to become a non-smoking area.Takeover of the dining hall in the Merkur Academy in September.
Exterior view of the dining hall Moltke.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
- 2008At the beginning of April, start of “Housing partnerships” with Paritätische Sozialdienste gGmbH.The Psychological Help moves to Rudolfstraße 20.
New premises at Rudolfstraße 20.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
- 2011At the beginning of March, cooperation with the Wurmberger Straße daycare centre to reserve ten spots for students from the University in Pforzheim.
- 2012Start of the „Roof Wanted!“ campaign in collaboration with the city of Karlsruhe.Release of the der „UNIverse“ app.
As part of the “Roof Wanted!” campaign, students set up a room in the shop window of Papier Fischer in Karlsruhe for a week, 2012.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
- 2013Last edition of the Campus LiFE magazine.Inauguration of the new liquid ice plant in the dining hall Am Adenauerring in October.
We operate the world's first liquid ice plant.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
- 2014On April 1st, the name changed to Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe AöR.First award as a „vegan friendly dining hall“.
- 2015Opening of the Cafébar am Zirkel in autumn.
The Sternschnuppe daycare facility is celebrating its 40th anniversary in the Studierendenwerk.
- 2016Opening of [koeri]werk®.
[koeri]werk® am Adenauerring 7 of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
- 2018Opening of [pizza]werk® and the glass pasta factory in the dining hall Am Adenauerring.
[pizza]werk® and [pasta]werk® am Adenauerring 7 of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
- 2019Opening of the beratungsWERK in the foyer of the dining hall Am Adenauerring.
beratungsWERK in the foyer of the dining hall Am Adenauerring.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
- 2020
Start of processing the federal government's bridging aid for students who are in need due to the corona pandemic.
Signage during the Corona pandemic 2020.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
- 2021Introduction of the electronic file (e-file) in the BAföG department.Introduction of an environmental score in the dining halls menu.Opening of a vegan line in the dining hall Am Adenauerring.Opening of a residential group for students with autism spectrum disorder in October.
Presentation of the environmental score with the four parameters: CO₂ emissions, water, animal welfare and rainforest.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
- 2022New position for cultural work starting from April 1st.10th anniversary of the “Roof Wanted!” campaign.
Glass student room on the St. Stephan church square.
Image source: archive Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
- 2023100th anniversary of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe AöR.40th anniversary of the student cultural center Z10.