Job Board for students

As of January 1st, 2024, the statutory minimum wage is 12,41€ per hour.

Please note that for the students’ benefits, we believe that even temporary jobs should not be paid less. We reserve the right to refuse job offers under 12,41€.

Verkaufshilfe gesucht

Entry from 21.04.2024
Position open: as of now

Information on the company
Obst- und Gemüsestand

Job description
samstags, 08 – 14 Uhr, Gutenbergplatz
montags / mittwochs / freitags, 08 – 14 Uhr, Stephanplatz (hinter Postgalerie)

Kontaktaufnahme bitte einfach per Anruf bei Fr. Pillmann, Tel.: 0176 419 214 57

Other specifications:
Job location (City): Karlsruhe
Work time: 6 h pro Woche
Payment: 12,50 EUR